Saturday 23 November 2013

Writing in encryption
As if tying a string to his finger

The mercenary joke is
Can only argue when rich people are always right and he is licenced to bear arms

Forgive a loss of temper

Always a bum and a rich person
Which is how one discerns the scam
Bums make things up

Bums fascinated with rich
Always a bum and rich argue

Always a bum and rich person
How one tells the scam

Forgive a loss of temper

Only a bum has that level of weirdness within themselves

And they take 1000s pills

Remember that bum...

They have a marketing degree And everyone can tell

Because they lied on their p application
It's questionable if they were ever p
Because they were involved in crime
They could not take a proper vow
They were never in fact p

A riddle Historically did they have any other advice for St Bernadette or the rich Esterhazy?

Gifted s
Having left her husband Things would get better

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