Saturday 23 November 2013

Judges soldiers not to be criminal

Love is not sin Hence a Civil remedy

r & s written in a golden book of phlp

A problem judges soldiers could resolve in 24 hours timeframe
A p platform of krime drag on for 50 years
bb w power of a judge

Find the scam always
Vastly rich golden book Honorary degrees
And a relentless bb
Often living a parasitic lifestyle
Weird characters attracted rich

Because they lied on their p application
It is questionable if they were ever p

Because those p are thoroughly criminal
It is questionable if those p were ever p
They would be incapable of taking a vow

Halloween costumes on a low budget movie

bb put jdg in nrsng hm

Get off the property
"You'll see"
Doesn't make sense

Poison control medicine Aaron

"aarn lots of fun
This is not against the law""

It doesn't work both ways
He is on a hill
They are in a cess pool

Slime bll with chain link fence on wheels

Transgressing laws of Honor
Transgressing laws of genteelness
Transgressing laws of politeness
Transgressing laws of church
Contravening laws of fairness
Contravening laws of morality

bvm safe in house Bernadette

Jesus of the family of David
The royalist blood there is

Soldiers live in chains

Direct Entry Officer 1b hurt military career

slm crp doesn't know right from wrong

Flag the screaming monkey Jail asap

b w props

Set up line linking 2 peple

each house on street running grow op

Russian Revolution children's animation

Significance 7 minute gf

He had seen 150 people impersonating self

Slander his fellow soldiers

Harp on 1 minute Then harp 20 years

Slander law'''

b putting jdg hsptl

13$ b buys house

The History of Advertising all over again

I am personally losing a war Because he can't follow a simple order
Obnoxious corporal

Why isn't a fox a wildebeest Or a bird of prey a dog

Kindly stop kicking over marbles in my neighbourhood
'make me'
That doesn't make sense

Honorable discharge for teaching his fellow soldiers insubordination

He cannot find work as a soldier because he has insulted every general
Therefore they set him impossible objectives which no one has attained And are considered unattainable
As a disciplinary step
They 2x his soldiers for achieving an objective
Starting w 1
With df Military observers

Selectively removing trouble makers
And everything calms down
New warfare

Canada's secret war 35 years
Because his best friend was spy general
As it turns out criminal
Cda fighting against herself
secret armies supported by government
Of which several politicians write a history

sgt wo to a liberal degree

Only possible reason to go to military school
Is to become officer
put in military school because expected to be officer
Tito organized a school on military lines In a favourite city of his

To kindly not kick marbles over in his life

Vitamin c high dose every day to remove toxins ''''

grc operating platform

Re activation every cell

Organized bums

b giving advice to everyone

Scary Halloween party

House of b

Organized bum Which is difficult to defeat

devotee 7th day Adventist

A classic scam
b fascinated with a rich family

Roller coaster of Turkish delight

Advertising historian

s runs treat machine

Promote to black grey uniform judges soldiers
Rather than demote strong secret armies'''

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