Sunday 3 November 2013

Bull doze the Cathedral for a chocolate bar
Bull doze city Hospital for a pack of gum

They step on a piece of gum in the Louvre And sue for the value of the Louvre For pain and suffering Of tracking gum through the museum''''
Reasonable civil remedy "New shoes"
A chimpanzee with a law book talking to fox
A chimpanzee on the Guinness estate Refusing to leave
Woodstock on the lord's estate
Why the Windows were not surpassed Plastic surgery is not virtue Nor fake title Nor fancy title No talent Nor power of fake resume Nor curses of enemies So their love of p Everyone around them suffers So that the prostitutes were not surpassed They were defeated because They are mean prostitutes He did not betray the prostitute Carl
Bull doze the Capitol because someone threw a book on the ground
blk stinking rich His entire life What has he to do with dishonesty
Get off the property They "Go ape s--t"
The freak is paid Willy Wonky candy to bull dose Washington and Lee University
Contravening laws of Honour
Contravening laws against impiety'''
To put law books on desk or sit on them
Law was at the outset Someone's Act
Act of a king Act of parliament etc
Honorary degrees at all schools
In the fairy tale He would buy a castle for his girlfriends
To confess to the bishop And to choose years in scly
 Ignoring her loveliness a year The criminal harassment of her friends was out of control

 Honorary Articles of incorporation by senior civil servant fulfilled He  promised increase in value And there was increase in value
Legal fees for exponential growth in 100b's
Gentleman Boone to receive honorary degrees and noble title from suffering shoplifting by others
Bull doze Cathedral And he's paid  a box of Willy Wonka candy''
mfa property to borrow against for construction
 First a law of wife and children
Disability pension
First a law of wife and children
On genteelness
Literature to read Petition of genteelness
Give poetic fairness
Law was someone's Act
Noble title as Common law
r has an imperfect Yet honorable transcript
Criticized by someone with all fails and counterfeit
Why freak says it is not straight A?
Fake straight A's
Bumping grades up or down
Psychiatric impiety
Maslow's triangle
Law Honour
Crime machi $50 Then they follow
"Denial in a concentration camp"
"Denial on a cattle car"

Promised w & h & c property Being mean prostitutes They took Than received
Nice prostitutes Turned mean

Clergy cannot be criminal
"Jesus If I throw that book on the ground  I'll ruin legal work"
General Mackenzie
Peacekeeping v Martial Law v Curfew"" v St Louis v Los Angelis v Communist police state v East block joke police state
 Imperfect though honorable transcript
Why says failure and counterfeit transcript guy Isn't it straight A's
"Baygarth Bonne Guy"""
Whatever you say (does nothing) Repeating
Criminal harassment amusement park ride
Psychiatric impiety
Fraud tell rich his Curriculum Vitae
Criminals fascinated with rich
Structure corruption
Krime klub explains my life to me
krime klub every work
Bell curve of the krime klub
embz then criticize
A library of ribbons decorations and honorary degrees
Blessed Virgin
Palfy construction
Disability pension
Law of genteelness
Law of what is fair
Each great church artist to have a Rich House presently for enriching society
1% in perpetuity
To give her a pension
Finds wrongdoing unromantic
Tobacco Alcohol Morphine?? Tdd's contribution to psychiatric medicine
Psychological happiness Or he goes through life a cripple
Piety and angels are something else
Though some few honorable men tempted into mercenari
Christ symbol of the weak emperor
Gentleman's quarterly
mercenary cda
 Trinity corporation
 Promise property would increase
The promise of d & b & w & r was kept
genius increased corporate value
As promised in the honorary articles of incorporation
Richard honored honorary Articles of incorporation
With an increase in property value

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