Thursday 7 November 2013

""Laws of genteelness trumping all other laws Sort of with reference to honour"'

Writing in encryption
As if tying a string to his finger
All blogs copyright 2012-2013

He had a honorable school record
Shoplifter says Why isn't it all straight A's

Julius Caesar said a general must have a plan aforetime of the actual military difficulty
A military manual for each difficulty for example Ambush
Officials from Canada's secret war That is structure corruption

Threw private diary and other personal things into fire before left for Yugoslavia
Arrived at fall of Vukovar Because uncertainty 22

"Requiem for Vukovar" google
No one less 40 in that battle

Count Walewska historically believed napoleon of r Which would be October 27 1868 Where October 20

Military disability
His ruled by organized crime His decisions

R gave jdges gnerals premier minister legal to Trinity Who lost more than gained

bb vile trick Being disgusting
Hate monger to rich
Kicking a container of marbles

Machinery of government against them 5000 years
With the last name Vile 5k
With long hair and beard 5k
Cannot put a prefix before their name like major or doctor 5k

Structure against them

For shoplifting junk from rich people

For putting every bird of prey in a cage

Apollo with muses Arts and science
Seeing Apollo as???
Greek god???

Elizabeth Tutor s

Titles became extinct when fraud rings took over title

Organized fraud

Bottom line Terrorism goes to 0 when terrorist appear television

Palfy construction has not sought friendship of Mr Jones

Venus sees as PssOfW???

100 people in vctr playing hot potato with a family

Not a dog Amusement ride of criminal harassment A conman cannot resist plastic surgery

Lords spend their day arguing with obsessed little freaks Same for every lord

eagle protection of freedoms law'

Poetical manner of speaking

Stjepan military rule
 If I'm sad you're sad

This person commits 60 felonies each day
The other made a mistake once

Possession does not equal rightful ownership

Soldiers law is Geneva
Soldiers cannot commit crime
For military contracts in future

grc becoming a branch of the military

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