Friday 15 November 2013

Blessed Virgin be his witness

Writing in encryption

Soldiers live in chains

Terrorized because she gave away her inheritance
Terrorized because infantry was too difficult
A subsequent sort of retirement after military from age 10
Instead property
Eventually Palfy construction
His parents had significant property
Rather sickly

One fraud Vow broken
Military curse
As little as a funny name and funny tax in perpetuity
Raise themselves stepping on other
Not ignoring that the richest families argue with 1m each day
Who trip them
Scary bums Scaring rich people
Government can pay
Because it is like taking away someone's recreation gym''''
Not house''''
Because the government is vicariously liable
A government vicarious liability Insurance
For civil awards
Paid by every citizen

Scorched policy about civil employment
It is well known how much was embzld

Insurance fraud

Judge listening to a scam in progress
Scary bums Scaring rich people

Military pension
Organized crime control his life
Drugged up pimps

Exquisite gold leaf tree
All fraud
Tree by adoption
Conmen firing their children into riel
Her mistake was crush the Saint

Make up and costume with broken vow

Explaining a scam to a judge

Queen Mum strongly believed eviii or gvi grandfather
To whom uncle was ambassador to
He said he liked being a 900 year old prince
Anyways As he was
Any ways he would look stupid if wrong
Found r by chance
release of Napoleon as sickly father said p
release Louis Battenburg
release Edwina
Ruining royal line of p g &etc started by jb
Met jb at age 13
Met riel?

Polka club in school
Few months in dispute Teen parties

Canada's secret war
Weaponry with mercenaries
Military exercises in Canadian Artillery

Jim Carey does plastic surgery drugs
Punished t for help
Falcon on Planet of the Apes

G malicious porn star attacking p. and pss.

Marketing terrorist
Advertising terrorist
Monkey terrorist
Hate club headache

A new scam
Scary bums aivaidance against rich
a version of insurance fraud

R paid for 100k gold braid uniforms for bb creeps
r was not allowed gold braid to make pocket money\

Terrorized because of a few minutes

Tragic romances of sc Who did not ever marry

One fraudulent photo All fotos suspect
1 gendarme fraud ...
Where they are assumed not military
1 pay off...

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