Sunday 10 November 2013

Segundo Comadante Don Beniti Rubido y Pardo; Valiente Sargento Reduciendo Rubido; Don Pelayo Rubido Pardo y Lopez; don Manuel Rubido y Velasco; don Sebastion Rubido y Pardo; don Angel Rubido; don Enrique Rubio Fernandez; don Pablo Francisco Rubido; Rubido Pelayo Nobiliario Ferrol; donna Josefa Rubido y de la Gandara en Santiago de Compostela; donna Obdulia Rubido; don Enrique Rubido Fernandez; don Manuel Rubido y Velasco; don Luis Rubido Dieguez;  don Pedro Rubido; don Pablo Rubido; don Pelayo y Rubido; don Enrique Rubido Fernandez; don Benito Rubido y Pardo; don Sebastian Rubido y Pardo; don Pablo Francisco Rubido; don Benito Rubido espanol militaryColonel Rubido surrenders Cuba Alexander Rubido chief security Mexico presently (d.) Rubido de la Torre Soldiers of the emperor Claudius his servants a few minutes
Soldier cousin ancestors
Where he prefers to write in a pen name A very few have carried this name

Writing in encryption

Because of the Immaculate Conception
The arch angel Gabrielle and angels and saints
Saw virtue in the Blessed Virgin in Anna and Joachim Her parents

When a judge He would have the unpleasant task of punishing his enemies

Pointing to dirt on a nobleman's clothes

Where legitimate was with property
Illegitimate received nothing
Not money or title

Legitimately Palfy construction

He was not their charity
His family has property

Barbarians across the water with intelligence service
Fled to Italy
Then weakling
Then honorary don
Weakling bishop

For Perestroika Glasnost
Private news corporation
Lock out

ps says rich are not deserving

Also a new house belongs to ps
Trouble to rich

b disgusting
Criminal cannot resist b

A criminal cannot be a political figure
The politician left Without crime
Of sovereign judicial political
Becomes queen bee

He was not their charity

Supreme Allied Council

Law was someone's Act
Roman Emperors wrote laws whimsically
Or other whimsy
"Caligula created his horse a senator

Electrical engineer versus first year electrical engineering
The other patents don't the first thing about electrical engineering school

When he became a judge He had the unpleasant task of punishing his enemies

prime minister Paul
Was a lawyer
He was friend to rich people

Continually pointing to a little dirt on his uniform

In a radical audit every penny is regained
over hundreds of years
600 year Audit
Money embzld from Trinity
In a very radical audit
Every penny is recovered someone will squeeze every penny back over a thousand years

It is not a piƱata
A civil remedy
In a radical audit
Pennies are recovered over hundreds of years
Illegitimate children are not recognized
And given a last name like Fraudy

Krime klub bumped into him at 13 And didn't go away

Amusement park ride of insult

Twelve hours each day in school
Away from parents Is not a small part of a teens life

Napoleon took political power in the countries he conquered
Property remained in the same private hands

Roman Military Law
A un book of curses
Roman legal machinery against a person and his relatives
Advance himself by stepping on others
Roman legal machinery against that person and his relatives
un book of curses
A civil remedy
Not cursing a country like Versailles
Instead a curse
Government structure against cursed
A curse can be as small as a funny name in perpetuity
Or rather for 500 years
Faint hope clause of parole
A larger curse would the relatives would be cursed with long hair and beard
A smaller curse would be an audit over hundreds of years
A motivation to seek amnesty
Government structure curse a few
Overthrow governments helping civil wrong doers
A un book of curses
Monkey zoo forever Flag the freak
Advance his family by stepping on others
Faint hope clause of parole

Rich people give their money To their relatives

He told j La f If the patient is sick
It will be one hospital bed after another"""""

He did not see Judas in such and such
He saw Judas in such and such

Adgy didn't get a blessing
He got a curse from God for cheating rich people

Angy said uber plastic surgery can solve any problem

Angy says his secret  is uber plastic surgery

Uber plastic surgery makes a guy popular

Fancy title
Fancy uniform
No talent

Terrorized because he worked with police a few minutes when a teen
Terrorized for a few days of fashion faux pas
Terrorized a few minutes of Quidditch

They cheat a rich girl into marriage
Then they want to cheat her siblings and parents
Civilly declared as having the blood of monkeys that they don't lose

He could relate to fine teachers in school

He family could relate to Austria!

Legitimate offspring resembles sort of Common law

Military pension
Because organized crime control his life

In his studies he did not neglect to have fun

Military concierge
Bring a ship up river

Faculty law and Satire

Religion of a marketing executive

b dirty people
Conmen cannot resist b
Not underestimate dirtiness of b

"Militarily How do I solve this problem?"

So much crime in his life
They know what he tells them

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