Thursday 21 November 2013

Writing in encryption
As if tying a string to his finger

Girlfriends gifts for unhappiness
Not to apologize Lots of gifts

Michelle of Cres
Arguments of a girl who gave as gift her inheritance
Seeing document with 25 properties
Given to lawyers He read

r speaking to roy from childhood

Peacekeeper not p
That with peacekeepers Everyone feels safe

sf An unattainable objective 24/7 sdt

m Knights of Columbus

24/7 Town hall meeting Like cspan At least 1 place in the country' wjc

Justification ad nauseum
After that
Bums make things up

A creep doesn't know right from wrong
The safest place for a creep is in jail

The scam is discernible because it's always a bum and a rich person
Or lawyer for a rich person

Like shutting down a white collar grow op

To give rich psychological misery or misfortune krime m

A strategy to graffiti figure heads

1000s pills a day and he's giving everyone advice
ps and he's giving everyone advice

"""That it can happen
Dishonest psychologically happy though cursed a curse to everyone
Honest psychologically unhappy yet promises of the church""

r to send a to guillotine without dishonor

Graffiti the lawyer

Government sometimes gives free castles

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