Monday 25 November 2013

Customs of government
Parliament cannot be intimidated or pushed around
Wrongdoers in parliament can be sent to a Government Home for Tyrants
""Family civilly not criminally responsible""
A crime to attempt to annul the constitution in whole or in part
Judges Senators Sovereign having rights resembling parliament? Not to be pushed around Sanitarium of Tyrants?

Lictors for a parliamentarian are with parliamentary accepted independence
Parliamentarian pushed into a sanitarium Not pushed around

Which are stories from the Bible
Would be the Constitution of Arab countries

Senior civil servants special rights?
Ministry of the Interior?
If people accepted the parliamentarian in that role  He has the rights of a parliamentarian

The office of Roman dictator with of course Master of Horse is a necessary amendment
Who held office a few weeks'''''''''

Rome had a sort of Doge

''''''Lictors a ceremonial bodyguard'''''''

An example of dictatorial powers would be
A asap to bestow super Constitution Rights so to speak on each person in Cda
Which would be the intent of the American Constitution
A legal heads of up
To take measure to take care of his own Constitutional Rights himself
A 100 soldiers required for Glasnost
To attain objective of a Canadian Constitutional news network
Stand your ground is an example of super Constitutional powers''
Bestow or devolve Constitutional rights on each citizen Where responsible government is not possible b/c of a systemic and pervasive difficulty'''

Cyber limitations
There are only 20 routers controlling all North American internet traffic
B SntRs

100 soldiers can liberate most any country in the world
By gaining control of a state tv or national network
Becoming for example Canadian Constitution network

Prime Minister resembling something like minority whip or majority leader

For example Seeing the example of  Christ in President Carter Not Judas

For rich in military

Because they lied of their military application
Because they lied on their military contract
Because they lied on their oath
Contravening rules of honor
Contravening rules of property
To think of crappy things momentarily
Predatory kriminal
Running system
on technicalities
Disguise background with body building
No longer to speak of crappy things
They were not ever military

Following rich people in chain link

Jesus Mary to thee do I pray because crappy bums know who the Esterhazy are

50 riche people followed He did not want to be followed He told them they were ruining his military career He said this for 4.5 years He knew the name of each one Yet did know their tele address etc

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