Friday 20 December 2013

Aphrodite who loves????

loves Caesara

1991 1992 Battle of the Barracks was largely uneventful
250 tons of munitions passed by myself December 31
And no one cared That this naval ship had passed
r passed a Barracks
Which was ''evacuated'' the day r left Asplathos
Uneventfully again
Which Barracks battle was confined to a few streets
5 kilometers away buildings were being torched
Asplathos was like Europe
A naval battle With shelling of Asplathos November 15
Yet Asplathos was like the rest of Europe
Except for November 15
Battle of Barracks
Releasing barracks weaponry on Croatian soil to jna
Or acquiring weaponry from jna barracks on Croatian soil
Used against Croatia if released unopposed
""Very small battles as weaponry rolled of barracks in city""
Visited majority of cities from Battle of Barracks
After the fact
At least one was there
Which Battle or lack of battle Confined to a few streets
20 to 30 such battles
Naval battle 1 week before arrival in Asplathos
1 day battle
Ignored a few days late
Mortar as oil drum diameter
Senj a few kilometers away Torching of houses
Barracks battle
rolled out of city without opposition
30 barracks battle resembled each other
Barack's battle a few minutes away
Confined to a few street
Because unopposed
Naval ship shelling
Difficult to see position of naval ships from shore
Naval battle 1 week before arrived
Continued maneuvers
General Tudjman didn't oppose valuable equipment being given away to jna

There is no rhyme nor reason to city warfare
Win with artillery is a ''good'' a strategy as any

A sort of threshold
Beograd na More
Harried ignore a bit of shelling
Karlowitz skirt of the front line
Delnice skirt of front line
Osijek skirt of front line
Unlivable at that time

In Yugoslavia 7 month

"elsewhere 10%? damage this battle
strategy change approximately October 1 1991
Before that Vukovar resembled battles in the rest of Croatia
It would have been A higher intensity war
Because their were so many paramilitaries there
Tigrovi hooligans committing war crimes
Sesjl a political figure with his private army
Chetnik nostalgic of Colonel Mihalovic
Instead of house by house
Other than that the battle resembled battles in the rest of Croatia
Up to October 1
At that point it did not resemble the rest of Croatia
That is the Krajina or colored parts of the map
Which were as r saw
little Vukovar
Like Vukovar at 10% or less
Strategy change October 1
Win with artillery"
A city leveled almost it seemed
r arrived at the fall of Vukovar in Yugoslavia
r was within several kilometers of Vukovar

r was in Dakovo and Vinkovci?

Serb military plan
Instead captured Krajina

star and crossed swords barracks and barracks battles
Rolling some weaponry out of a barracks within a city

very limited knowledge of the following
Someone else having a better knowledge
r has experience Mostly in Infantry exercises With his Artillery regiment
Where my section of 10 traveled in column or row across any ground
From a very limited knowledge of Croatia
A person walking 10 kilometers
Any meter is as likely as another meter
to stumble into the enemy
Unless someone among the enemy imagine new ideas on fronts
A front mapped is a continuous line of entrenchment of soldiers
or something like that
That would be what one would expect
Unless a new warfare is imagined
Of course one must mention sentries
A front can be mapped by bumping into it at a 1000 points
Again apologizing for a limited experience

At Asplathos
r climbed a small range of hills
Here was like the rest of Europe
5 kilometers looking in the distance were torched houses
Which were in the distance Though could not be seen

In  ambushes
r found himself overcome with a sort of fear
As if danger could be '''smelled'''???
This happened to r on quite a number of occasions
Again r must apologize for a limited First hand knowledge of these things In anything like war

Again r experience with these things
Is largely limited to Infantry exercise with his Regiment in Canada

In Slavonia r bumped into some Chetniks at Osijek
r thinks it was Damir Sirota???
weapons pointed
let r go
30 seconds of a sort of worry or fear
Chetnik soldiers dress a certain way
Very dangerous Was that Damir???
r felt like he unexpectedly walked into a bear cage
Didn't expect that!!

A funny sort
On arrival in Croatia
Among the first things r saw
A train hit a seam
Making a noise
A soldier near r almost dove for cover
So that this was the first Sort of funny thing that r saw

Some nonsense sentences
He tried to be a soldier Yet failed
Military school hospital
Slander a lord

In a very distant way related to the KofR threw Countess Erdody

""An illegal order irresponsibly does not follow or obey Geneva""

""Soldier saying or giving words or orders that contravene Civil law""" j

To take power from generals
Via television
Give reason for soldiers to disobey or
Refuse to obey orders
g prs

r told pss that regrettably he could not sleep with them
Because they would not stay with one boyfriend
And they had borne children

Gabby btch b/c rival Edward Confessor??

r bumped into krime klub at 13 With little misfortunes ever since

"""As soon as family prominent
Problem ggl blood"""

"""Have to know someone for fake degree""'

""Degree didn't deserve Free ride ever since""

Krime m doesn't work c empty houses?

gbby z w tries to make r hated

Indian teen p asks "Does he ask help""

Retired arty Released 2012

Gentle blood
Few months dispute teen parties

More complain p More p troubles

Incite upset in rich life

r crossed paths with Kit in Osijek

 Nonsense sentence
As if tying a string to his finger
A rough draft of a military book

A private quarrel with a few people Forgive making a scene International p International fraud International maxed out on plastic s Who prey on rich Where 1 dirty p is a problem Beggars maxed out on plastic s who follow rich At nursing homes turning over wheel c Not quite sure what to make of unsought attentions Livano know genetic scam 30 y later guys from hs can't let go Playboy kids Running a system that prey on rich

"""Food as aspirin!"""

Simultaneous plastic injections for a broken hip''''''

Judges that tried r Said that r should be judge

A soldiers order that contravenes the Geneva Convention not ignoring Civil Law Is illegal

Bridges have not been burnt of crap
Resembling ln s
g dn

Where soldiers receive a formation

Soldier status can be given upon completion of and comprehension  of the fundamentals of law That's all

It is not unknown that a lion be in a cage 35 years

 To declare civil and common law chaos and anarchy The Geneva Law would be new law Where honour would be a sort of rule  

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